Additional Resources
Textbooks, workbooks, and more!
In this free multi-part series, Dr. Hardin presents an explanation of the Genesis Worldview, and examines science, creation, and Scriptural sufficiency.
In this free 10-part series, Dr. Hardin equips believers to understand that there is no factual reason to doubt God's Word.
The Biology Lab videos present 19 labs, including dissections, step-by-step, to help students complete each experiment, and better understand the expected results.
These quizzes present additional chapter review questions not found in the Biology textbook to help students better comprehend the textbook material. Each quiz is automatically scored, and allows for repeat attempts.
Subscriptions to the Biology Video Course are available on an chapter-by-chapter basis, so students can receive extra help an specific topics.
These quizzes present additional chapter review questions not found in the Fundamentals of Chemistry textbook to help students better comprehend the textbook material. Each quiz is automatically scored, and allows for repeat attempts.