Course Curriculum

    1. Getting Started

    2. Printable Schedule

    3. Lab Material List

    4. Creative Commons License

    1. Day 1: Sections 1.0-1.1

    2. Day 2: Lab (optional)

    3. Day 3: Section 1.2

    4. Day 4: Lab (optional)

    5. Day 5: Review

    1. Day 1: Lab (optional)

    2. Day 2: Sections 1.3-1.4

    3. Day 3: Sections 1.3-1.4*

    4. Day 4: Section 1.5

    5. Day 5: Review

    1. Day 1: Sections 1.6-1.8

    2. Day 2: Chapter 1 Study Questions

    3. Day 3: Sections 2.0-2.2

    4. Day 4: Sections 2.3-2.4

    5. Day 5: Review

    1. Day 1: Sections 2.5-2.6

    2. Day 2: Sections 2.5-2.7*

    3. Day 3: Section 2.8

    4. Day 4: Section 2.8*

    5. Day 5: Review

    1. Day 1: Sections 2.9-2.10

    2. Day 2: Sections 2.11-2.13

    3. Day 3: Chapter 2 Study Questions

    4. Day 4: Sections 3.0-3.1

    5. Day 5: Review

About This Course

  • 176 lessons
  • 10.5 hours of video content
  • Grades 7-10 (and beyond)


Scott Hardin, MD

Author - Astronomy: God's Universe, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Life Science, Introductory Science, Physical Science, Physics, Unearthing the Bible

Scott Hardin holds a Bachelor of Science degree, with honors, from the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, as well as a Medical Doctor degree from the Medical College of Wisconsin, and has been practicing medicine in Wisconsin since 1997.

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Fundamentals of Chemistry Video Course

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