Course Curriculum

    1. Getting Started

    2. Printable Schedule

    3. Activity Supply List

    4. Creative Commons Licensing

    1. Class 1: Introduction to Physical Science, Part 1

    2. Class 2: Introduction to Physical Science, Part 2

    3. Class 3: Introduction to Physical Science, Part 3

    1. Class 4: Introduction to Chemistry

    2. Class 5: Matter and How It's Made, Introduction

    3. Class 6: Matter and How It's Made, Molecules

    1. Class 7: Matter and How It's Made, Introduction to Atoms

    2. Class 8: Matter and How It’s Made, Atoms

    3. Class 9: Matter and How It's Made, Atoms and Charge

    1. Class 10: Matter and How It's Made, Atoms and Why They Don’t Fly Apart

    2. Class 11: Matter and How It's Made, Building Matter from the Ground Up

    3. Class 12: Matter and How It's Made, Elemental and Compound Matter

    1. Class 13: Matter and How It's Made, The Periodic Table of Elements, Part 1

    2. Class 14: Matter and How It's Made, The Periodic Table of Elements, Part 2

    3. Class 15: Matter and How It's Made, The Periodic Table of Elements, Part 3

About This Course

  • 109 lessons
  • 9.5 hours of video content
  • Grades 3-6 (and beyond)


Scott Hardin, MD

Author - Astronomy: God's Universe, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Life Science, Introductory Science, Physical Science, Physics, Unearthing the Bible

Scott Hardin holds a Bachelor of Science degree, with honors, from the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, as well as a Medical Doctor degree from the Medical College of Wisconsin, and has been practicing medicine in Wisconsin since 1997.

Free Preview

Physical Science

Enroll in a free preview of Physical Science and access four lessons, plus their Level A and Level B Workbook pages.