Included Course Previews

    1. Getting Started

    2. Creative Commons Licensing

    1. Introduction and Sample Workbook Pages

    2. Class 1: What is Astronomy?

    3. Class 42: Problems for Naturalism - Antimatter and Dark Matter

    4. Class 42.1: More About Matter and Antimatter, Part 1

    5. Thank You!

    1. Introduction

    2. Additional Samples

    3. Welcome from Dr. Hardin

    4. Week 9, Day 1: Sections 9.19-9.22

    5. Week 9, Day 2: Chapter 9 Study Questions

    6. Week 9, Day 3: Sections 10.0-10.4

    7. Week 9, Day 4: Sections 10.5-10.8

    8. Week 9, Day 5: Sections 10.9-10.14

    9. Week 10, Day 1: Lab 4

    10. Thank You!

    1. Introduction and Sample Workbook Pages

    2. Class 1: Introduction to Earth Science

    3. Class 17: More About Glaciers

    4. Class 17.1: Two Types of Glaciers

    5. Class 18: How Glaciers Change the Earth

    6. Class 19: Evidence of Glaciers, Part I

    7. Thank You!

    1. Introduction

    2. Additional Samples

    3. Week 6, Day 1: Section 3.2

    4. Week 6, Day 2: Sections 3.2-3.4*

    5. Week 6, Day 3: Sections 3.3-3.5*

    6. Week 6, Day 4: Section 3.6

    7. Week 6, Day 5: Review

    8. Week 7, Day 2: Chapter 3 Study Questions

    9. Thank You!

    1. Introduction

    2. Additional Samples

    3. Week 14, Day 1: Sections 6.2-6.3

    4. Week 14, Day 2: Sections 6.3-6.4*

    5. Week 14, Day 3 & 4: Section 6.5

    6. Week 14, Day 5: Review

    7. Week 15, Day 3: Chapter 6 Study Questions

    8. Thank You!

About This Bundle

  • Free
  • 79 lessons
  • 6 hours of video content
  • Grades 1-12


Scott Hardin, MD

Author - Astronomy: God's Universe, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Life Science, Introductory Science, Physical Science, Physics, Unearthing the Bible

Scott Hardin holds a Bachelor of Science degree, with honors, from the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, as well as a Medical Doctor degree from the Medical College of Wisconsin, and has been practicing medicine in Wisconsin since 1997.

Josh Watson, BA

Author - Astronomy: God's Universe, Unearthing the Bible

Josh Watson holds a Bachelor of Theology degree from the The Master’s University in Santa Clarita, CA, and is currently an ordained Pastor of Adult Education at White Stone Community Church in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, where he lives with his wife and three children.

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