Course Curriculum

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    2. Printable Schedule

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    1. Class 1: Introduction

    2. Class 2: Ebla Tablets

    3. Class 3: Balaam Fragments

    1. Class 4: Shalmaneser Monolith

    2. Class 5: Shalmaneser Obelisk

    3. Class 6: Sennacherib Reliefs

    1. Class 7: Lachish Ostraca

    2. Class 8: Pilate Dedication Stone

    1. Class 9: Caiaphas Ossuary

    2. Class 10: Crucified Heel

    3. Class 11: Ipuwer Papyrus

About This Course

  • 43 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content
  • Grades 3-8 (and beyond)


Josh Watson, BA

Author - Astronomy: God's Universe, Unearthing the Bible

Josh Watson holds a Bachelor of Theology degree from the The Master’s University in Santa Clarita, CA, and is currently an ordained Pastor of Adult Education at White Stone Community Church in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, where he lives with his wife and three children.

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Unearthing the Bible

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